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Modern JavaScript

If you want to learn how to add client-side functionality to your web pages, our Modern JavaScript book shows how to use pure JavaScript to do that. To make learning as fast and easy as possible, this book skips confusing old features and jumps straight to the current features and best practices of modern JavaScript

Murach’s ASP.NET Core MVC (2nd Edition)

Once you know the basics of C# and HTML, you’re ready to learn how to create database-driven web apps the way today’s top professionals do, using our ASP.NET Core MVC book. The MVC pattern, controllers, Razor views, Bootstrap, EF Core…all the features you need to know are presented in a logical way that soon has you creating full-fledged web apps of your own.

Murach’s PHP and MySQL (4th Edition)

Our PHP and MySQL book has become a popular choice for any developer who wants to create database-driven websites using PHP, the open-source language that’s used in 79% of today’s top websites, and MySQL, the relational database that’s a favorite of web developers.

Murach’s HTML and CSS (6th Edition)

Our HTML book has become a favorite for anyone who wants to create web pages at a thoroughly professional level. It shows you how to use HTML and CSS for responsive web design so your pages look good and work right on any device. It is now in full color too.

Lab Manual for Murach’s HTML and CSS (5th Edition)

The HTML/CSS Lab Manual was designed for classroom use, and most of the material in it is from the book itself. However, it does include 2 case study problems that aren’t in the book. So if you’re using our HTML book for self-training, you can purchase the Lab Manual for more practice. The solutions to the case studies are NOT available…but using what you’ve learned in our HTML book, you’ll be able to figure them out.

Murach’s JavaScript and jQuery (4th Edition)

This latest edition of our JavaScript book is the right book once you have some experience with HTML. It teaches you how to code JavaScript along with jQuery (the JavaScript library that plays a part in all of today’s big-name websites), the way the pros do.

Murach’s Java Servlets and JSP (3rd Edition)

Our Java Servlets and JSP book teaches one way to do web programming with Java.

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